Bali Street Mums - 'It's wonderful to be a part of this amazing initiative'

'I am hugely grateful to these wonderful ladies,' says Clare, our gorgeous founder of wild azur, who has been working hard to source ethical, waste free packaging for the wild azur products... 'The mothers work hard to produce beautifully embroidered recyclable bags for wild azur all by hand. These beautiful bags are made from Calico which is woven from cotton fibres, and being made from cotton crops it's completely natural.'

The Bali Street Mums project provides mums safety from the streets and trash dumps, as well as opportunities for work and purpose whilst providing the children free schooling, healthy meals and medical attention. 
'I have huge respect for Kim (the founder of the centre) who is an absolute angel; overseeing and running projects and giving her free time to helping these mums and children in need. We need more people like her in the world!
It was quite eye opening the first time I visited the refuge.  In a world where we have become so consumerist, to enter a place where people have so little and are just scraping by to survive.  I felt touched by their stories and courage.  I also came away feeling very grateful for the incredible life we lead and the opportunities we are given."  concludes Clare.
For those that would like to donate or find out more about this great initiative - visit their Facebook page: Bali Street Mums Ibu-Ibu