Beautiful Youthful Skin

"Turn off your mind, Relax and float downstream"  

John Lennon

"We have integrated the world's finest, wild harvested Boswellia Sacra Frankincense in our skin care regime to help you on your path to natural, hydrated and healthy, glowing skin" - Clare

Why should YOU be using this medicinal grade Youth Elixir Oil?

Medicinal grade Boswellia Sacra Frankincense has a huge host of skin rejuvenating and boosting benefits, most widely recognised for reducing signs of ageing and showing ‘ a more youthful appearance in weeks’. This is due to being power packed with phytochemicals, protecting skin and allowing it to heal at a cellular level.

Beyond our beautifying and spiritual needs, it has also been used successfully in chronic and inflammatory conditions and preventing dis-ease in the body such as anxiety, depression and autoimmune diseases.

You've been Asking About Wrinkles, Free-Radicals and Ageing

Free radicals are unstable atoms that can damage cells, causing illness and premature ageing such as increased wrinkles and grey hair. As the body ages, it loses its ability to fight the effects of free radicals.

When dis-ease appears, people seek medications to alleviate the uncomfortable symptoms of a body screaming for help. Many pharmaceuticals turn off the screaming symptoms without eliminating the root of the problem.

"People interested in fighting free radical-related ageing should avoid pollution, radiation, smoking, alcohol while also exercising and eating a healthy, balanced diet” Medical News Today.


Antioxidants & Essential Oils

Essential oils such as 'medicinal grade' Boswellia Sacra Frankincense are an excellent provision when we need extra boost. They provide far more antioxidant percentages than fresh fruit and vegetables but be mindful they are not a replacement for a wholesome diet.