immune booster for the season changes...

Best IMMUNE BOOSTER for the season changes: credit to the lovely Petra van Wooden...

Immune Boosting Elderberry Rose Hip Syrup is a wonderful natural remedy for supporting the immune system. You're going to want to have this on hand for back to school and the colder months!

* ½ cup dried organic elderberries or fresh
* ½ cup dried organic rose hips or fresh
* 2 tablespoons organic cinnamon chips or 1 cinnamon stick
* 6 dried whole organic cloves
* 1 inch chunk fresh ginger, peeled, grated/minced
* 2 strips organic astragalus root or curcuma / Turmeric root
* 2 ½ cups filtered water
* ½-1 cup raw honey, preferably local or biodynamic {I use ½ cup of local raw creamed clover honey, for a thicker syrup, use 1 cup}
* For the Ice Bath:
* Water – cold tap water is fine here, it is not used in the syrup
* Handful of ice

1. In a medium-size saucepan, add elderberries, rose hips, cinnamon chips, cloves, ginger, astragalus root and water. Cover with lid, bring to a boil and reduce heat to simmer for 45 minutes.
2. Remove pan from stove, strain and mash through fine mesh strainer into a glass 1 quart measuring cup, small bowl or mason jar.
3. Fill medium bowl with a handful of ice and cold tap water {fill only halfway}. Place measuring cup into ice bath. Let syrup cool in the ice bath about 15 minutes or until cooled.
4. Remove cooled syrup from ice bath.
5. Add raw honey to a quart-size mason jar. Pour syrup into mason jar.
6. Stir honey and syrup together until they combine. If the honey does not dissolve right away, let it sit at room temperature for a bit, then stir again.
7. Place lid on jar and store in the refrigerator.
