Researching Ingredients for our natural skin care..

What ingredients would you like to see in our natural skin care range?

We’re always researching the purest wild ingredients for new Wild Azur nourishing products... Pictured here is our founder, Clare, with Agus, following a tour of the Saribuana Eco Lodge edible, medicinal and useful plants.

Here we are looking at candlenut... There is almost no waste when using candlenut as every part has its healing properties. Candlenut oil finds application for replenishing hair and skin’s natural elasticity and healthy glow! It also helps some chronic skin conditions.

Have a look through our website shop for the plethora of nourishing natural ingredients in our skin care range... 

"I sometimes think I am one of the luckiest people in the world, spending my days in stunning, inspiring places discovering new and wonderful ingredients for wild azur and being able to share my adventures and findings with you all.
Saribuana eco lodge, located on the slopes of Mt Batukaru in central Bali, is perhaps one of the most beautiful and peaceful places on earth, a haven for nature lovers like myself.
I spent a few days here, tasting traditional balinese foods, sourced from the organic gardens, breathing in the clean mountain air, exploring the rainforest, rice paddies and traditional farmlands, spending time with the local community and bathing in the mountain pools.  The balinese truly nourish and heal themselves with these plants as these are often all that are available to them.  Knowledge about their surrounding healing herbs and medicinal plant foods is handed down from ancestors. So different to our culture where food is based often purely around pleasure." Clare